Invasive Drifter One, 2023
tumbleweed, Aqaba paper, glue, found metal stand
53" X 37" X 42"

Invasive Drifter Two, 2023
tumbleweed, cyanotype on Aqaba paper, glue
50" X 48" X 61"

Melting Pot, 2023
pigmented paraffin wax, found janitorial cart, sheep wool, found galvanized bucket
38" X 32" X 32"

At the End of the Tunnel, 2023
wood, found security mirror, sheep wool
52" X 29" X 29"

Eruption, 2023
found galvanized metal cones, cotton twine, mica, found janitorial bucket
47" X 27" X 27"

Green New Deal, 2023
found steel grate, pool flags, wooden log, rattan reed, glass pipettes
49" X 55" X 47"

Ruins 1, 2023
found handmade needle work, fired ceramic slip, wood carved by carpenter bees, wooden sawhorses
8" X 7" X 58"

Wildfire Remnant 1, 2023
found burnt wood, wooden sawhorses

Ice Fire, 2023
found 35mm slide storage frames, felted sheep wool, dried orange peels, found galvanized bucket, paraffin wax. cotton twine, Aqaba paper
33" X 70" X 70"

Current Conditions, 2023
found fencing, linen fire hose, dried sunflower
33" X 32" X 24"

Nest 2, 2023
found galvanized bucket, beeswax, found Oriole's nest
20" X 12" X 12"

Ruins 2, 2023
dyed mop head, fired ceramic slip, galvanized bucket
12" X 10" X 10"

The Thingness of the Thing, 2023
found 35mm slide storage frames, plaster gauze, tumbleweed, beeswax, glass
50" X 38" X 30"

Thinking it Through, 2020
found galvanized steel cones, cotton string, found security mirror
46" X 46" X 46"

Thought Object #1, 2020
steel and string, 16 1/2” X 16 1/2” X 16 1/2”

Thought Object #12, 2020
copper, wax and glass, 16 1/2” X 16 1/2” X 16 1/2”

Thought Object #9, 2020
wood, steel, mica, cellulose sponge and india ink, 16 1/2” X 16 1/2” X 16 1/2”

Thought Bubble #6, 2015
metal basket, wax, ping pong ball, paper, seed pods, Giclee print, signed by the artist, on acid-free watercolor paper, edition of 3
24" X 36"

Thought Bubble #5, 2015
file rack, cage tags, waxed paper, Giclee print, signed by the artist, on acid-free watercolor paper, edition of 3
24" X 36"

Thought Bubble #9, 2015
Kodak Slide Carousel, mica, wax, Giclee print, signed by the artist, on acid-free watercolor paper, edition of 3
24" X 36"

Looking Into the Situation, 2010
GE X-Ray Cabinet, copper test tube racks, cotton pins, mica, wax, rubber, ink jet prints on fabric
65 1/2” X 21 1/4” X 59 1/2”

Opaque Condition, 2010
hospital gurney, opaque projectors, slide carousel, wax, rubber, convex lenses
50” x 26 1/4” X 33 1/4”

Mica-Scan, 2010
microfiche viewer, mica, typewriter stand
22” X 10” X 16 1/2”

Counter Culture, 2010
lab cabinets, Darkfield Quebec colony counters, cotton, mica 2 elements
38” X 18” X 20 1/2” each

Dot Transport, Cabinet for Mary, 2010
hemical transport cabinet, wax, mirrored plexiglass, cotton
50” X 27 1/4” X 27 1/4” X 41 3/4”

Slope, 2010
nuArc light table, cotton, mica, pins, wood
37 1/4” X 40” X 1/4” X 54 1/4”

Kardex, 2006
visual storage cabinet, ink jet prints, interactive sound, assorted found objects
dimensions variable

Lambs, 2001
wood, cotton
24" X 10" X 7"

Blue Lines, 1995
oil stick on wax paper, cast plaster, pigment
dimensions variable

Blue Lines, 1995
oil stick on wax paper, cast plaster, pigment
dimensions variable

100 Ft of the Sweet Everyday, 2001
cyanotype on paper, helium baloons, and polyethylene bags
dimensions variable

Working Quickly, Skewer with Stick, 1997
cellulose packing peanuts, wire
21 1/2" X 21 1/2"

Dip to Coat, Allow to Fall Freely onto Work Surface, 1997
plaster, string
dimensions variable

Being Careful Not to Topple, Stack Paper on Sawhorses, 1997
paper, wood, plaster
7" X 5" X 3"

Concreation, 2004
100 Elements, hydrocal
10" X 10" X 182"

Concretion, 2004
100 elements, hydrocal
10" X 10" X 182"

The Shape of Things to Come, 2004
wax, string, and mirrored glass
53" X 24" X 48"

The Shape of Things to Come, 2004 (detail)
wax, string, and mirrored glass
53" X 24" X 48"

Against the Wall, 2004
100 elements, wax, plywood
110" X 110"

Instructional Space, 2010
display easel, cotton, canvas
72 1/2” X 28 1/4” X 28 1/4”

Common, 1996
clay and pigment, on paper
48" X 60"

Trails, 1996
cast, rubber, oil, paper
48" X 60" X 3"

Channel, 1996
phone books, paper, glass
48" X 60" X 10"

Island, 1996
cast rubber, cornstarch, paper
48" X 60" X 10"

Blood Line, 1992
cheesecloth, pigment, wax, steel pipe and hoops
151" X 67" X 20 1/4"

Replacement Valves, 1990
fiberglass, resin, vinyl tubing; four elements 51" X 66" X 50"

Sideslip, 1986
wood, wire, mesh, concrete, beeswax
60” X 47” X 18”

Wing Tip, 1986
concrete, metal, wood, wax
63" X 27" X 36"

At Bay, 1988
wax over mixed media construction
64" X 38" X 37"

Standstill, 1984
wax, plywood, cardboard
29' 1/2" X 14' 1/2" X 14' 1/2"